7 Day Portal into Self


Welcome to the 7 day portal into self.

Designed and coded to help you tap into the unique expression that is your inner intelligence and cellular system.
Through this series of 7 meditations I walk you through a journey of entering the neutral observer, deeply connecting within your own spark of the divine information residing within the body and help you explore your energy systems.



Welcome to the 7 day portal into self.

Designed and coded to help you tap into the unique expression that is your inner intelligence and cellular system.
Through this series of 7 meditations I walk you through a journey of entering the neutral observer, deeply connecting within your own spark of the divine information residing within the body and help you explore your energy systems.

With an introduction video explaining how I work and how you can get the most out of this series, one walks a road into their body, their memory and their self on a deeper level.

The mediations are meant to be listened to before going to bed or upon waking while the brain is in the transition state allowing the codes to flow through you and activate your DNA. This activation is a long lost memory that exists within you and one that you are learning how to dive deeper into.
If you have found me and my work then this 7 day portal is a great start to begin the process of learning how to heal your own body, learning how to see and feel as well as “know” what is happening energetically within you.
Enjoy the depth and activation as you work with a tool that is created for you to work with your spiritual gifts.
Light rays, geometry and number codes all form a personalised and individual expression within your divine makeup. Begin the process of utilizing the gifts you already have within




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